My Mom passed away in January leaving my Dad as a survivor. She had several checking and savings accounts with USbank. On most of them my parents were joint or the Trust was named on the account. But there are two accounts that had only her name on it that the bank will not release to my Dad.
They are forcing us to go to probate for these accounts which is ridiculous to me because there is only a couple thousand dollars and the cost of the lawyer alone will probably be half that. Plus there is so much evidence. My Dad has their marriage certificate, they have my mom’s Death certificate, they have our trust documents that document the whole family. I feel like they are just trying to keep the money. They have no official process or paperwork to deal with the situation. Nothing. He just says ‘Sorry you have to talk to your lawyer there is nothing I can do for you on these accounts”
Especially weird after working with Chase. There was one account my mom had in only her name with them and they had no problem moving the balance to my Dad’s account. Albeit it was only like $25.00 but still. Something seems fishy with USbank.
Can someone shed some light on this issue??