My doctor had change my medication due to insurance .Would pay for same medication.causing me to not be able to get the proper sleep.My sister witch is a nurse.And is very controlling.After several cousuler.And therapist.Telling her.She was trying control and disagree with ever thing the doctor.Was doing even saying they misdiagnosing me..The guardianship started in july.After the people .That I stated .Telling my sister.She needed to let the cousler do there job.And the therapistt told same thing.As well as the doctor.Even the mental health center.Told her she calling to much.She just needed to let process work.She got.Mad and wrote judge told her .That she makingg me worry more.And wanted to be removed.And about the evaluation.They had one at court.But it was a Rorschach test.That are just inch pictures.That does or did not look like anything to me.So really don’t understand why need a evaluationn that.Of what I found that most people think.From therapist.To the mental health workers.Told me that aevaluationn.should not be done.Just they thought that .A simple questary of .Things like can he take care his self.And I drive take care banking.Pay all my bills.I 43 years old.Never has anyone had to take care of me before.And town live in gilmer county ga.Less than 96,000 so judge only has to have high school edcation.To be probate judge.My sister like said is a nurse.So she thinks and acts like she doctor.She does not talk to any of my family not talk to me in over 6 months.Not even word.she see ttherapist herself.Due to unhappiness.Is true I can request.Her to have evaluation herself.That’s what I got was law.For her ever to be a guardian.I own disability for severe anxiety disorder.And already had pay 1,000 for lawyer.And 500 for therapist to do eevaluationWitch judge said.She pick who does the excam.I just worried about a psychigst evalution.As seems that all are unreliable.thanks for any advice.Sorry for spelling I just like to have some advice on what to do or any suggestion.thanks so much for your help.Its greatly appericated.
Stuff like what you fears.Tell me what kind dreams do you have.all kinds question.That I believe.Could not be possible.To really get to right question.Like what do ever day.Can or what do during the day.Can manage your own money.Pay bills.And do take care of yourself .Like groom.seems to me would be the question someone would need to know if take care of myself.
Stuff like what you fears.Tell me what kind dreams do you have.all kinds question.That I believe.Could not be possible.To really get to right question.Like what do ever day.Can or what do during the day.Can manage your own money.Pay bills.And do take care of yourself .Like groom.seems to me would be the question someone would need to know if take care of myself.