The Adjudicator to HM Land Registry is there to rule over matters of registration of land, not to act in matters of wills or probate. Yet the Deputy Adjudicator at my hearing , allowed an unprobated will into evidence . There is no mention of land in this will. I have an original certificated land registry document , on a form for registered land, for the same year this will is written, and it shows the land as part of my property. I have three consecutive conveyance documents for the relevant time frame for the registration of this land, and it includes this land by reference to the amount of land.
Land Registry had already previous to this confirmed the land was my registered land.
Yet they surveyed the land behind my back for my neighbours and with held information l asked for prior to the Land Registry Hearing. It has always been my belief that if information is with held , then once you have obtained this information, you should be able to use it . Land Registry have now registered the land in my neighbours name and putting my evidence into court to show its my registered land is not now for consideration of the judge. This makes the FOI Act and the DPA obsolette as once you do get the information, you are not allowed to use it.Section 6.1 of the HRA is meant to be the right to a fair trial.
In my case my own conveyance document had been taken from my deeds, l believe by my divorce solicitors in 2001. My mortgage providers carried on taking payments from me and did not tell me about this valuable document not being returned by my divorce solicitors.
The police tell me that my conveyance document is my own property and should be handed back to me.
This solicitor when l involved the Legal Ombudsman , sent the document to Land Registry.
When l visited land registry offices in june of last year, there was my conveyance document and they would not let me remove it.
There is a previous matter , related to this matter and l think they have used my conveyance document and this unprobated will to seal the deal on further land in another village that was part of my title and hidden from me.
This will that has been allowed into evidence does not fit into the time frames involved , as l knew the previous owner to the vendor and she had nothing to do with the neighbours here. Plus the Adjudicator agreed with me over another gentleman owning part of the land my neighbours sought.
My neighbours solicitors acted in the conveyance of this bit of land to this gentleman and was his solicitor up to and included his death and his son inheriting all his estate.
As this gentlemans father lived untill 1994 and the one for the unprobated will died in 1989, it would seem this firm of solicitors have a conflict of interest.
It would appear more likely that the gentleman who bought the land and died in 1994 , and whom the Adjudicator agreed with me , that his son owned the land, would be legally and ethically entitled to the land , rather that his solicitors acting for my neighbours and entering this unprobated will, saying the will writer owned the land and left it to his daughter. Quite apart from anything else the mortgage providers foreclosed on the mortgage of the previous owners of my property in 1994 and everything was registered and sold to the vendors and then to me. So stamp duty land tax was paid on ALL of the land. I do not understand why Land Registry after confirming to me that the land was my registered land, that they then forced me into litigation and refused to provide even copy of my own conveyance document, when in their minutes its recorded l told them l did not have my own conveyance document