Why Specialize in Probate? – Probate Training
Maybe you’re wondering why you should specialize in probate. Or you know you should specialize in probate but don’t know how. In this episode you’ll come to realize that there is no other option but to specialize.
Standing In The Probate River – Probate Training
Transcript Follows: shared with you some of the ups and the downs that I went through in my probate business market crashes shifts in my referral attorneys focus and everyone is going into survival mode go back to episode 1 and start there again if you haven’t heard the story go ahead and […]
Some Went To Jail – Probate Training
As the market shifted, so did the focus of the attorneys who were referring me business. I had to find another way. I had to keep getting the business. Transcript Follows hey folks welcome back to the probate agent my name is anthony nitz and i’m glad you’re back glad you came back and […]
I Had To Devise A Probate Marketing Plan
I did everything the gurus trained me to do. I sent hundreds of letters to the executors ad probate attorneys alike. I even stalked executors at the decedent’s properties. All this would produce nothing. Actually it is what forced me to come up with my new plan…one that actually works. Transcript Follows: but we […]
How I Started in Probate – Podcast Episode 1
TRANSCRIPT FOLLOWS: Welcome to The Probate Agent my name is Anthony Nitz and this is the Probate agent podcast. Welcome this is where it all begins. So the big question is this how our ordinary agents just like us supposed to stand out in the overly crowded real estate space while living a […]