A family friend picked up my grandmother and took her to live with her and had the will changed immediately with the entire estate going to the her and her family while nothing was left to her children or grandchildren. My grandmother bought them a $300,00 house which I thought was fair for them seeing to her caretaking (which the state paid for all of that) The witnesses and notary public all had the same last name except for one witness. Is this even legal? Someone told me that in Texas you have to leave at least one dollar to the children. That sounds questionable to me. My grandmother was def not of sound mind and body when she signed off which is of course WHY they went and moved her in with them and didn’t allow anyone in the family to see her for the last 9 years. My grandmother told me the estate would be split between us 4. I can’t afford a probate attorney. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
I know that Grandma was NOT of sound mind and body because she did not know who I was. And she raised me as her own for 19 years…