my sister died 2 weeks ago and i have all of her account info ….is it illegal for me to transfer all her funds to my account and close it out without going through probate and all that stuff?… i just want it to be over i live in florida and i was told if she didn’t leave a will the gov would take it ….she was murdered so im not sure if her accounts would be monitored or not…can i get into trouble? my initial thought was to just add myself as an authorized user transfer the funds and close the account because technically i was i ordered things for her all the time or went to the atm for her before she died…….please real legal answers or people with experience with this only…..thanks in advance
thank you…well to my knowledge she doesn’t have any debts is it illegal to cancel her cable service etc?…i have her death certificate and all of that but im scared to death of doing anything… still unclear how it would be theft she’s dead so who am i stealing from? does that mean all her money belongs to the bank?…as for the authorized user i have her online banking info and there is an option to add a guest user or something like that this whole thing is a mess and im alone to deal with it….thank you for your answers
she was 27 with 2 kids 3yrs and 11mos….i was beneficiary for her life insurance so that part is clear her kids do have a trust fund that cant be touched until they turn 18 ….but i was under the impression her estate and life insurance was 2 diff things…because she was not married to the father of her kids and she was also over his ssc for his disability so this whole thing is throwing me for a loop…its seems her death certificate is not helping me do anything our mom is still alive so will it go to her?