My great-aunt is the executor of will for my grandmother’s estate. She is trying to drag the process out as long as she can because she is over the trust that my grandmother left me and my brother, which includes our house, and she has authority over us until we go to probate court. She’s already threatening to sell the house out from under me and my brother if we don’t do as she says, even though our names are the only ones on that trust and on the deed to the house. She also says that she’ll have me declared incompetent to run the house. We need to try to force her to start the proceedings. Can a lawyer get a judge to schedule a court date to force her to start the proceedings? She’ll keep delaying if we don’t force her to do something.
All I know is what they are telling me.
Also, they are saying no one can touch anything in the trust until they say so. The trust says that we are supposed to get $500 a month to take care of utilities for the house and to pay the taxes and insuarnce on the house but they are saying that we can’t get it until probate court. How am I supposed to know all these things? That is why I am asking on here.
Also, from what I am understanding, my brother and I have a life-time dowry in this house. Can the person over the trust sell it from under us?