At a probate hearing where the judge ruled the PR must produce a detailed accounting, the PR dragged me through the mud with defamation (his lawyer was speaking), just one bald-faced lie after the next after the next, falsely impugning my character and children,and my lawyer was a dunce and barely spoke up.
The REAL issue had to do with transparency and accounting, yet the other side sought to outright d-e-s-t-r-o-y. They did this because they had no defense as to why they twice refused to produce any accounting at all.
In the end they (PR) were still required to produce an accounting within 45days. But the judge refused to remove the PR who is a biased bastard from hell, because he looks nice (but is anything but). The judge hadn’t even read my testimony, just listened to total crap.
Is there anything I can do about these defamatory lies now on the record when the accounting comes back?
I am an heir being cheated