My great-aunt is the executor of will for my grandmother’s estate. She is trying to drag the process out as long as she can because she is over the trust that my grandmother left me and my brother, which includes our house, and she has authority over…
Resolved Question: How do we force the executor of will to start the probate process?
Resolved Question: How do I find out if a codicil was invalidated after grant of probate was issued?
Braun Kendrick names new managing partner – Midland Daily News
Braun Kendrick names new managing partnerMidland Daily NewsDave is a member of the Michigan State Bar, including the Business Law, Probate and Estate Planning, and Real Property sections, and the Saginaw County and Bay County Bar Associations. Dave is …
Voting Question: a deputy adjudicator has acted outside his remit, what can l do?
The Adjudicator to HM Land Registry is there to rule over matters of registration of land, not to act in matters of wills or probate. Yet the Deputy Adjudicator at my hearing , allowed an unprobated will into evidence . There is no mention of land in…
MY VIEW, Alan King: Stunned by Alabama mental hospitals’ closings – The Birmingham News – (blog)
The Birmingham News – (blog)MY VIEW, Alan King: Stunned by Alabama mental hospitals' closingsThe Birmingham News – (blog)Probate courts in Alabama have the responsibility of holding involuntary commitment hearings for individuals affl…
Village pilots probate program – Tallmadge Express
Village pilots probate programTallmadge Expressby Emily Canning-Dean | Reporter Reminderville — A Summit County judge wants to help homeowners save time and money by keeping the transfer of home ownership out of probate court — and the village was ch…
Your Legal Corner: Non-probate assets and divorce – Gloucester County Times –
Your Legal Corner: Non-probate assets and divorceGloucester County Times – NJ.comUsually, the remaining property of each party will include both probate and non-probate property. As a result of having both types of property, removing only the beneficia…
VSEA adds 17 probate registers to union –
VSEA adds 17 probate registers to unionvtdigger.orgby Press Release | February 19, 2012 On February 15, the Vermont Labor Relations Board (VLRB) gave 17 Vermont Judiciary probate registers the green light to officially join the Vermont State Employees&…
Resolved Question: I think I goofed up big time. What can I do?
My great-aunt (who is the executor of my grandmother’s estate and is over the trust that holds my home, told me that her lawyer needed mine and my brother’s Social Security number to start the probate process. I gave them to her but i am greatly regr…