Locals on new juvenile justice panelMidland Daily NewsMidland County Probate Court Judge Dorene S. Allen has been chosen to lead a newly-created Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice. "It's quite an honor," Allen said this morning. "…
Probate Judge Brian Griffin Dies at 57 – Patch.com
Hartford CourantProbate Judge Brian Griffin Dies at 57Patch.comBy Julian McKinley Probate Judge Brian Griffin died at his home on Monday, The Hartford Courant reported. Griffin, a lawyer and former mayor of Windsor, was 57. He was a committed public se…
Open Question: Can anyone help me with this? (Probate issue)?
I am going to court tomorrow to file a motion to dismiss but I do not know anything about doing this. The reason I am filing a motion to dismiss is because I filed a complaint for modification to request permission to move out of state with my child….
Resolved Question: Do I have to probate a will if the property is not in Canada?
I’m talking about a house..
Bill would require probate judges be lawyers – Times-Journal
Bill would require probate judges be lawyersTimes-JournalOsborn said he was opposed to the bill because the Alabama Probate Judges Association requires all probate judges to undergo mandatory training. A bill sponsored by Rep. Jim Morton would require …
Probate Judge Brian Griffin, A Former Mayor, Dies – Hartford Courant
Hartford CourantProbate Judge Brian Griffin, A Former Mayor, DiesHartford CourantBy STEVEN GOODE, sgoode@courant.com The Hartford Courant Brian Griffin, the town's probate judge for 18 years and mayor from 1991 to 1994, died Monday morning at his h…
Resolved Question: a question about probate?
i live in canada, originally from england.
my mother passed away recently in cheshire.
she left a will naming 2 executors, both who have passed away.
i am the only child, my moms will is very explicit, everything goes to me.
her crooked lawyer is…
Resolved Question: Does a Will always have to go to Probate Court?
Hi. Does a Will always have to go to Probate Court? What are the pros and the cons for having to go to Probate Court?
AltaPOINTE HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC. v. DAVISLeagle.comAltaPointe Health Systems, Inc. ("AHS"), appeals from the Mobile Probate Court's order finding it in contempt of the probate court's April 27, 2010, "Order of Outpatient Commitmen…
Resolved Question: Does a completed last will and testament need to be filed with my local court system?
I`ve completed my last will and testament, and it has been notarized by two witnesses. Does the probate division require a copy?