Election 2012 – Lee County Probate Judge: Bill English Q&AOpelika Auburn NewsThere are no contested races on the Democratic side, but Republican ballots will feature several, including Lee County Probate Judge, Lee County District Judge and the Dis…
Some judicial candidates seek first elected office – Montgomery Advertiser
Some judicial candidates seek first elected officeMontgomery AdvertiserSeveral judicial candidates in Montgomery County are seeking their first elected office, with six Democratic contenders looking to fill a variety of court positions, including proba…
Resolved Question: I want a legal name change but do i have to file the papers in my city’s probate court?
the city laid off workers. and is going to file bankruptcy. so the lines in court are super long. can file the papers in another city in my state?
Resolved Question: Does Attorney-Client confidentiality apply to a client planning suicide? Is there a good firm for this in OH?
After much thought, I decided to end my life this Summer. However, I need to plan for medical and probate contingencies. Does the Attorney-Client confidentiality apply when the client is planning suicide? If so, could you please cite the legal ref…
Poll workers take classes for upcoming primary election – Press-Register – al.com (blog)
Press-Register – al.com (blog)Poll workers take classes for upcoming primary electionPress-Register – al.com (blog)By Renee Busby, Press-Register (Press-Register file/Mary Hattler)Mobile Probate Court Judge Don Davis. (Press-Register file/ Mary Hattler…
OUR VIEW: Important races for Shelby County Commission, school board and … – al.com (blog)
al.com (blog)OUR VIEW: Important races for Shelby County Commission, school board and …al.com (blog)Shelby County voters also will fill the probate judge slot and two seats on the county Board of Education. Here are our recommendations: DISTRICT 2: T…
Voting Question: What it the probate attorney has copy of the original will and have asked for this and Im an heir or child of?
More portions of immigration blocked – Andalusia Star-News
GPBMore portions of immigration blockedAndalusia Star-News“While, I am personally disappointed with the ruling, I am obligated under the law to abide by the order of the court,” said Probate Judge Ben Bowden. “Therefore, the Covington County Prob…
Thin list of contested races onTuesday’s ballot – Sand Mountain Reporter
Thin list of contested races onTuesday's ballotSand Mountain ReporterThe two races on all ballots are District Judge Place 1 and Probate Judge. Incumbent Hugh Flanagan, of Guntersville, faces a challenge from Assistant District Attorney Mitch Floyd…
Presidential hopefuls on ballot – Times-Journal
The Birmingham News – al.comPresidential hopefuls on ballotTimes-JournalProbate Judge Ronnie Osborn DeKalb County's probate judge said all of the talk about the DeKalb County schools superintendent's race, the Republican presidential primary ma…