You wander over to Amazon and buy a set of dentist tools.
Your brand new shiny dentist apparatus arrive a few days later by UPS.
The question is what are you going to do with them?
Are you going to spend years training your craft?
Are you going to learn what works and what just causes pain.
Or are you going to be a psychopath and just start pulling teeth out of random strangers?
This is often the case in real estate.
Someone buys a set of signs and business cards for the first time and suddenly declares themselves as an expert.
Having the tools doesn’t make you an expert.
It just causes a lot of pain.
You need to learn and study and tweak and test until you know what to do with a real client.
Sometimes I hear people talk about how they pay a company to get them leads, but they haven’t taken the time to study the craft.
Reading one book once will not get you over the line.
Attending one seminar doesn’t qualify you to take that deal.
I love my wife but wouldn’t trust her to pull my teeth out.
Because she is not an expert.
I would ONLY hire an expert in that field.
Study your craft until you become the very best at it
The same thing applies to niche’s within the real estate business.
I’ve seen numerous agents claim to be a Probate Specialist or Expert in hopes of getting lucky and scoring that one deal.
In fact, I’ve seen agents claim to be specialists in 9 or 10 different niches which is ridiculous.
When you truly become the specialist in a niche, you become much more valuable and sought after.
The power of focus is an incredible thing.
To become a specialist in Probate, start by downloading our Free Probate Letters and learn how to use them and increase your value.